by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Holstenhuus ✖ Agricultural pioneer at Holstenshuus The Baron of Holstenshuus was one of the first landowners in Denmark to attempt to encourage his peasant farmers to drop the communal system of farming and move out onto separate farms. But the farmers refused to...
by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Jerstrup ✖ Two kings examine the sex life of the lords of the manor Two generations apart, rumours circulate that the lords of the manor cannot keep their hands off their sisters-in-law. A particularly juicy indictment is discreetly nailed to the gates of Odense...
by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Søndergaarde ✖ The mad lord of Søndergaarde Some people are so utterly insane that people still shudder at the mere mention of their name generations later. Eiler Brockenhuus was an incestuous, murderous rapist – and often went way too far with his practical jokes. ...
by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Scheelenborg ✖ Lord High Constable Stig Andersen Hvide was stripped of Scheelenborg for the murder of Erik Klipping Stig Andersen Hvide was not personally present when he was convicted of regicide, for which his punishment was to be outlawed and have his estate...
by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Ulriksholm ✖ Frederik V’s mistress repeatedly gave birth in secret at Ulriksholm The castle is named after one of King Christian IV’s bastard sons. A century later, the mistress of another king is also sent to the estate to give birth. Opposite Ulriksholm Castle...
by Emma Bendorf | Dec 9, 2022 | Gods
Risinge ✖ The resistance fighter from Risinge At the end of the Second World War, leading members of the nobility were censured for having sided with the Nazi occupiers. But that is not the full story; many members of the Danish upper class were active members of the...